Volume Rendering example src

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this subtree contains volume rendering¹ implementations

For other documentation see toolbox/documents/volumeRendering

  1. For those not familiar with this form of rendering, excerpts from the beginning of Todd Kulick's Building an OpenGL Volume Renderer (volren-6/doc/how-to/article.html) follow:

The ability to produce volume-rendered images interactively opens the door to a host of new application capabilities. Volumetric data is commonplace today. Radiologists use magnetic resonance images (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) data in clinical diagnoses. Geophysicists map and study three-dimensional voxel Earth models. Environmentalists examine pollution clouds in the air and plumes underground. Chemists and biologists visualize potential fields around molecules and meteorologists study weather patterns. With so many disciplines actively engaging in the study and examination of three-dimensional data, today's software developers need to understand techniques used to visualize this data. You can use three-dimensional texture mapping, an extension of two-dimensional texture mapping, as the basis for building fast, flexible volume renderers.
Volume rendering is a powerful rendering technique for three-dimensional data volumes that does not rely on intermediate geometric representation. The elements of these volumes, the three-dimensional analog to pixels, are called voxels. The power of volume-rendered images is derived from the direct treatment of these voxels. Contrasting volume rendering with isosurface methods reveals that the latter methods are computationally expensive and show only a small portion of the data. On the other hand, volume rendering lets you display more data, revealing fine detail and global trends in the same image. Consequently, volume rendering enables more direct understanding of visualized data with fewer visual artifacts.
All volume-rendering techniques accomplish the same basic tasks: coloring the voxels; computing voxel-to-pixel projections; and combining the colored, projected voxels. Lookup tables and lighting color each voxel based on its visual properties and data value. You determine a pixel's color by combining all the colored voxels that project onto it. This combining takes many forms, often including summing and blending calculations. This variability in coloring and combining allows volume-rendered images to emphasize, among other things, a particular data value, the internal data gradient, or both at once.

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